Sunday, July 18, 2010

My little girl, Laney Marie - 3 months

These last three months have gone by so fast! Laney is learning so much and interacting with us by smiling ALL the time, starting to laugh and she must be her daddy's daughter because she already talks a lot! :) When she's feeding, she sometimes will pause to just smile at us. It's so cute! Every morning when we go to get her out of bed, she looks over and gives us the biggest smiles. Laney rarely cries unless she's really hungry or really tired. She loves to snuggle and be rocked to sleep, which I love that she loves it! August/September can definitely wait to get here...I don't want the summer to end!
Smiling for Daddy!
Not a fan of headbands or bows, but she managed to get it together for some pictures! What a good girl!!!

I love this little girl!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lincoln - One Year

I was so excited when Marie asked me last week if I could do Lincoln's one year pictures. The last time I saw Lincoln in person was September when I did his newborn pictures. Lincoln is a very special boy and a miracle of God. The day before his newborn shoot I had found out I was pregnant with Laney. She is now 3 months old, so a lot has happened in both mine and Marie's lives since our last visit!!!

We took these in Eastborough Park in Wichita...beautiful older neighborhood that is very confusing to find your way! When I finally arrived, Marie got Lincoln out of the car and as I looked over at him, he looked at me and gave me THE cutest 2 tooth grin I've ever seen!!! It was so much fun taking his pictures!!!

I love his little feet in this next one.
Some of my favorite images capture the size of the child and special moments during this time. 
This image is kind of symbolic to me in the fact that Lincoln had major obstacles to overcome when he was born (because he was about 10 weeks early). He is a strong little guy and he has and will continue to make it to the top!!!
Thanks again Marie and Lincoln!!!